Preventing Suicide for First Responders
As first responders are the first to arrive to an emergency situation, this job results in seeing tragic or traumatic events. Therefore, many first responders experience post traumatic stress disorders and other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety due to the nature of their work. Listed below are several resources to help us understand suicide among first responders and how to prevent it.

Fact Sheet: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This 4-page resource clearly outlines what symptoms need to be present to be diagnosed with PTSD. Clarification is provided on some of the common misconceptions of PTSD and what treatment can look like. Additional resources are listed for further information.
First Responder Fact Sheet Poster
This 1-page fact sheet provides some information on the impact PTSD is having on first Responders in Canada. Warning signs and what you can do to help someone with PTSD are included.
Presumptive Benefits for PTSD: What Workers and Employers Need To Know
This 2-page resource provides information on how to make a WCB claim if you feel you are experiencing PTSD. The second page includes some common Q&A about making a WCB claim if you are experiencing PTSD.
Trafalgar Local Heros Support Program
Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres is an experienced and accredited provider of Addiction and Mental Health treatment in Canada. We have an intensive individualized approach focusing on Concurrent disorders. We have a trauma-informed clinic and a proven model to treat First Responders for addiction and mental health issues.

A Guide For Early Responders Supporting Survivors Bereaved By Suicide
This 20-page guide offers information about suicide loss and will likely validate and enhance the many helpful things that first Responders already do. The guide may also offer new insights and guidance on suicide alertness highlighting prevention and intervention resources available, since the survivors may be at greater risk of suicide as well.
Clinician’s Guide To Suicide Risk Assessment And Management
This document was developed to provide clinicians with a comprehensive guide to expand their clinical understanding of suicide risk assessment and management. Clinicians are encouraged to update their knowledge and continue to review the new literature and study other educational or competency enriching materials to improve their clinical understanding of suicide risk assessment and management.
First Responders First: PTSD Resource ToolKit
This website offers resources and services for the First Responder community to understand the various steps of a PTSD program from managing a crisis through to implementing best practices into an existing program.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and War-Related Stress
A 19-page document from Veterans Canada describes what is PTSD, a traumatic event, common symptoms, why these symptoms develop, associated problems, how to cope with PTSD, and types of therapy.
Supporting Mental Health in First Responders: Recommended Practices
A steering committee consisting of representatives from fire, police, and paramedic services is working with WorkSafeBC to promote positive mental health and reduce work-related mental health injuries to address the psychological health needs of first responders in British Columbia. They have developed a 24-page tool kit of recommended practices and resources for employers, supervisors, and workers to support mental health in the workplace.

Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines
The goals of cannabis legalization and regulation in Canada include the protection of public health and safety. Towards that end, proactive education, prevention and guidance on cannabis use and health are important public health strategies to reduce harms and problems related to cannabis use. While cannabis use comes with the health risks described above, the likelihood or severity of adverse outcomes can be modified through informed choices. To learn more, visit this website.
First Aid for Attempted Suicide
This website offer first-aid recommendations for each of the most common methods of attempted suicide. Each case is unique, and it is essential to tailor your care and support to that person’s needs.
10-4 Music Video
“10-4” is a music video dedicated to all first responders, giving us all permission to make the call and ask for help if we need to. Made by Maria Constandinou, a 911 ambulance dispatcher in Kingston, ON Canada in collaboration with dedicated artists, coworkers, friends, and family. “10-4” is a quick way to say “I understand” or “I acknowledge” when communicating using radios. As a dispatcher, I give a new call to paramedics with all kinds of information like an address and nature of the call, and they say “10-4” to state they understood all the details. We could be saying “10-4” call after call, day after day, but be in pain without anyone knowing the battles we could be facing within ourselves.

A Doctor’s Quest to Understand Why so Many Physicians Die by Suicide
This quick article outlines a doctor who has made it her mission to find out how many doctors are dying by suicide after she loses many of her colleagues. A survey from 2018 found that one in three physicians experience signs of depression. This article also contains a link to a video with more information.
An E–Mental Health Solution to Prevent and Manage Post Traumatic Stress Injuries Among First Responders in Alberta
First responders are confronted with traumatic events in their work that has a substantial toll on their psychological health and may contribute to or result in post traumatic stress injuries (PTSIs) for many responders. Persons with a PTSI usually seek management therapies. Evidence indicates that digital delivery of these therapies is an innovative, efficient, and effective way to improve PTSI symptoms as an adjunct to in-person delivery. This research will be beneficial for practitioners and will inform policy-making and decision-making regarding psychological interventions for PTSI. Lessons from this study will inform the scale-up of the intervention, a cost-effective, zero contact therapeutic option to manage PTSI.
Identification of Novel Genome-Wide Associations For Suicidality in UK Biobank, Genetic Correlation With Psychiatric Disorders And Polygenic Association With Completed Suicide
Suicide is a major issue for global public health. Suicidality describes a broad spectrum of thoughts and behaviours, some of which are common in the general population. Although suicide results from a complex interaction of multiple social and psychological factors, predisposition to suicidality is at least partly genetic. The goals of this study were to identify genetic variants associated with broadly-defined suicidality in 122,935 participants of the UK Biobank cohort; to assess for genetic correlations between suicidality and a range of psychiatric disorders; and to determine whether increased genetic burden for suicidality was associated with both psychiatric disorders and completed suicide in a non-overlapping sample.