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WORKSHOP: Eco-Anxiety and our Changing Climate

Climate change is a global concern, but also a personal one.

And while most people realize that climate change affects our physical health, it also impacts our mental health and well-being. In Canada, more than two thirds of adults report feeling some level of anxiety around climate and the environment.

Mental health professionals call this eco-anxiety.Eco-anxiety can lead to helplessness, despair, and loss of hope for the future.

This interactive workshop will explore the connection between climate change and mental health, and share resources and practical tools for dealing with eco-anxiety.


DATE: November 9, 2023

TIME: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. | DURATION: 1 hour

VENUE: Online [ZOOM]




Nov 08 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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