Pre Natal Program (CPNP) Projects
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): Nova Scotia Canadian Pre Natal Program (CPNP) Projects

Baby Building Club (CPNP) – Sydney
A prenatal experience for expectant moms, this program is offered in a group setting. Expectant moms have the opportunity to talk with other moms and/or staff and share experiences along the nine-month journey into parenthood. Participant driven, group sessions are facilitated by both Family Place and Public Health Services staff in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Supplements are available to the moms that participate in this program as a means to increase their ability to access nutritionally sound food during their pregnancy.
Cumberland Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) – Amherst
The Cumberland Prenatal Nutrition Program is a project of Maggie’s Place. Staff work with pregnant women, especially those who are young, unemployed, on municipal assistance or working for low wages. The program provides food supplements and encourages women to participate in the Basic Shelf Food Experience, a program also offered in the high school, which increases skill and awareness about healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Through CPNP, Maggie’s Place improves the nutrition of young and low-income women living in isolated rural areas, teaches them nutrition, creates support networks and helps these women make positive lifestyle changes. To encourage full participation, the centre covers child care and transportation costs.
Digby County Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) – Digby County
The Digby County Prenatal Nutrition Program is a project of the Digby Family Resource Centre whose goal is to improve the nutritional health of teens and low-income women from Acadian, black, and rural fishing communities in Digby County. Staff provide the following culturally and linguistically appropriate services: nutrition counselling, home visits, a workshop series, food supplements, a warm-line and food baskets. The program increases support, reduces substance abuse, reduces rates of low birth weight and birth defects, increases rates of breastfeeding, and maintains cultural diversity. Transportation and child care are provided for participants.
E’Pit Nuji Ilmuet (Woman Advisor) (CPNP) – Truro
E’Pit Nuji Ilmuet (Woman Advisor) is a project of the Native Council of Nova Scotia that provides culturally and linguistically appropriate programming for young or low-income Aboriginal women who are pregnant, enabling them to make informed decisions about pregnancy, child birth and parenting. The project aims to reduce substance abuse and improve nutritional intake during pregnancy and lactation, promote and protect breastfeeding, and reduce the rate of low birth weight babies. Prenatal education is provided through home visits, workshops and a bus that delivers resources throughout the region. Public health nurses and nutritionists offer general information sessions to promote nutrition, medical care and breastfeeding.
Great Beginnings (CPNP) – Canning
Great Beginnings is a project of the Annapolis Valley Hants Prenatal Nutrition Program with centres in Canning, Kennetcook and Kentville. The project operates an outreach program for pregnant women, especially young women and those living in isolation or poverty. Trained outreach workers provide support, training and food supplements, and promote breastfeeding. A working group of partners made up of participant representatives, nutritionists and key professionals from other related fields recommends effective ways to identify and involve low-income women.

The goal of the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program-First Nations and Inuit Component (CPNP-FNIC) is to improve maternal and infant nutritional health. Program clients: pregnant First Nations and Inuit women, mothers of infants, and infants up to twelve months of age who live on reserve or in Inuit communities, particularly those identified as high risk. Also includes First Nations and Inuit women of childbearing age on-reserve and in Inuit communities.
Kids First Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) – Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough
The Kids First Prenatal Nutrition Program is a project located in Antigonish and Guysborough counties whose goal is to create a positive support program for low-income, geographically isolated pregnant women and young mothers and their babies. The program promotes the health of mothers, infants and pregnant women by enhancing prenatal and infant nutrition through home visits, food supplements, individual counselling and breastfeeding support. The program also offers the following services: a prenatal education program, smoking cessation groups, a maternity and infant clothing exchange, and a resource-lending library that includes books, videos and breast-pumps for nursing mothers. The project has mobilized broad-based community support and developed partnerships with Community Services and a regional breastfeeding network.
Maggie’s Place Consolidated CAPC/CPNP under Community Action Program for Children and CPNP (PHAC)
Cumberland & Colchester – Are you looking for a place to relax, chat with other parents & caregivers, or just have some “adult time”? If so, Maggie’s Place WELCOMES you! We offer a place away from the routines of home, where you and your children can play, learn, and meet other parents. Maggie’s Place also offers FREE programs for adults and children including prenatal/postnatal support, child development programs for preschoolers, and programs for school aged children, youth and teens. Maggie’s Place will gladly answer your questions regarding parenting, pregnancy, nutrition, and many more issues. Call or visit us today! Remember, all Maggie’s Place programs and services are free of charge!
Preston and Area Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) – East Preston
The Preston and Area Prenatal Nutrition Program is a project of the East Preston Day Care Centre designed to benefit low-income pregnant adolescents and women at risk of abuse in and around East Preston, a black community in the Halifax Regional Municipality. The goals of the project are to enhance self-esteem, assist women to recognize abuse in their relationships and increase knowledge about nutrition. The centre provides the following programs and services: a collective kitchen, a self-esteem support group, individual and group nutrition counselling, workshops on breastfeeding and a resource library with culturally appropriate educational material. To facilitate participation, child care and transportation to the centre are provided.
Support to New Mothers and Their Infants Program (CPNP) – Spryfield
Support to New Mothers and Their Infants Program is a project of the Home of the Guardian Angel Single Parent Centre. The Single Parent Centre, located in Spryfield, has a long history of supporting low-income and single-parent families with young children. The program supports new mothers by increasing their feelings of competence, reducing isolation and stress, and improving both their health and that of their infants. The safe and respectful environment is fully inclusive of all participants. Parents are encouraged to help plan and deliver the services and activities, which include infant massage, infant home visits and nutrition support.
Valley Family Fun (Prenatal and Newborn section)
A website offering resources and activities for families in the Annapolis Valley, NS
211 Nova Scotia
211 is a free, confidential information and referral service that can connect you to thousands of programs and services offered by local community groups, nonprofits and government departments across Nova Scotia. It is available throughout the province – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – by dialing “2-1-1” to speak to a helpful staff member, by searching the easy-to-use online database at or texting 21167.
811 Nova Scotia
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