Canada Wide

Breastfeeding Committee for Canada
The Breastfeeding Committee for Canada (BCC) was established in 1991, as a Health Canada initiative, following the World Summit for Children. The BCC has a broad membership of professional and consumer organizations. The vision of the BCC is to establish breastfeeding as the cultural norm for infant feeding within Canada.
Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses
The Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses is a non-for-profit organization that represents nurses from across Canada who specialize in the care of newborn infants and their families.
Canadian Paediatric Society
This website provides CPS members and other health professionals with the information needed to make informed decisions about the well being of children and youth. Parents, journalists and other stakeholders concerned with the well being of children and youth may also find this site useful. The information contained on this website is developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society. All medical or scientific information is reviewed by paediatricians. The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for medical care and advice. If you have specific concerns about your child’s health, please see your child’s paediatrician, family physician, or another health care provider.
Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System (CPSS): Government of Canada (PHAC)
The Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System (CPSS) is part of Health Canada’s initiative to strengthen national health surveillance capacity. The CPSS is an ongoing national health surveillance program delivered through the Maternal and Infant Health Section in the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Its mission is to contribute to improved health for pregnant women, mothers and infants in Canada.
Preconception: Department of Health and Wellness
Planning for a pregnancy should ideally start at least 3 months in advance of a pregnancy, since preconception health is the first step toward a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. There are many things potential mothers and fathers can do to improve their health and the health of their future children. Pregnancies can be affected by many factors, including healthy eating, physical activity, sexual health, tobacco use, alcohol and drug use, and violence. Health and Wellness supports many strategies that promote the health of future mothers and fathers.
Healthy Babies (Government of Canada)
Health Canada provides information to parents on specific topics in order to reduce the risk of injury and illness and to promote the healthy development of their infants. Health Canada also provides information and tools to assist health professionals and other care providers who deliver programs and services to infants and their parents.
Maternal Mental Health Progress in Canada
Dr. Gina Wong is a leading Canadian psychologist in Maternal Mental Health. This page is dedicated to advance progress and collective dialogue in Canada to promote a national strategy for postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.
The Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health Nurses (CAPWHN)
The Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health Nurses (CAPWHN) represents women’s health, obstetric and newborn nurses from across Canada. CAPWHN aims to promote excellence in nursing practice, leadership, education, and research in the areas of perinatal and women’s health care.