Pregnancy Education & Support Needs in Nova Scotia

Pregnancy Education & Support Needs in Nova Scotia – Department of Health and Wellness
Pregnancy is important time to gain knowledge and skills for a healthy pregnancy, birth and adjustment to parenthood. Below is a list of programming and contact information for several options available for education and support in your local community.
Local Public Health Offices – Nova Scotia
Welcome to Parenting
Created by experts in prenatal education, child development and parenting, the Welcome to Parenting program is designed to give you all the critical information you need to experience pregnancy and parenthood in the most positive way possible – to help you become the parents you dream of being!
Healthy Beginnings Enhanced Home Visiting Program
Healthy Beginnings: Enhanced Home Visiting provides additional support to families facing challenges through a comprehensive home visiting program. Families may receive home visiting support for up to three years and/or referral and linkage to other health and community resources. Home visiting focuses on supporting parents, promoting a healthy parent-child relationship, fostering healthy childhood development and linking families with community resources that further enhance the opportunities for healthy growth and development of the child and the family. This program is offered through Public Health Services.
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) is a community-based program that provides support to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women, new mothers and babies facing challenging life circumstances. The goals of CPNP are to improve maternal-infant health, increase the rates of healthy birth weights, and to promote and support breastfeeding. The program also aims to promote the creation of partnerships within communities and strengthen community capacity to increase support for vulnerable pregnant women and new mothers.
Family/Parenting Resource Centres
Family Resource Centres (FRCs) provide community-based programs and services that support the healthy development and well-being of children and youth by strengthening families and communities. Family resource programs and services recognize that children and youth grow and develop within the context of families and communities. Holistic approaches to supporting positive outcomes for children and youth are family focused and involve parents and family members, with consideration of the broader community and cultural context. Family Resource Centres provide programs, services and supports in the following areas: Parent Education and Learning, Family Support, Child and Youth Development, Community Linkages.
Important Links for Education and Support
First 6 weeks
Who knew that something as natural as breastfeeding doesn’t always happen…well… naturally? First 6 Weeks answers questions and helps you find support when you are learning to breastfeed. While there is no set time limit on how long it takes to learn to breastfeed, it seems to take about six weeks for it to feel more natural and comfortable. It is also during the first six weeks that many common challenges arise. Knowing that it will get better, and that there will be a point at which breastfeeding will happen naturally, is a big source of comfort to many women. This site is here to support you in your first six weeks and beyond – because we know everyone will have different experiences while breastfeeding. It’s about providing you with information and the support you need to continue.
Loving Care Books
Loving Care is a series of four books for parents of children from birth to age three developed by Nova Scotia’s Department of Health and Wellness in partnership with Public Health Services.
Breastfeeding Basics
This book was prepared by the Department of Health and Wellness and published through Communications Nova Scotia.