If you are thinking about suicide, or you’re worried about someone else, there is help and there is hope. Call or text 9-8-8 toll free, any time — lines are open 24/7/365. To learn more about 9-8-8 visit their website.

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Election Day is August 17: Find out where each party stands on mental health
1 December 2021

The current system in Nova Scotia is based on responding to crisis, and to meeting the acute care needs of people with severe mental illness. Earlier and equitable access to…

CMHA statement on conversion ‘therapy’
30 November 2021

Conversion ‘therapy’ is a harmful practice that puts the mental health of 2SLGBTQ+ people at risk  The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is the most extensive community mental health organization in Canada with…

Fill out this survey quick survey and help CMHA NS build mental health education programming for Nova Scotians
25 November 2021

The Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia Division [CMHA NS] is excited to announce that we are planning to launch a Recovery College in Nova Scotia and we need YOUR…

CMHA NS will co-facilitate webinar highlighting on mental health in the workplace November 23
16 November 2021

November is Men’s Health Month, when organizations around the globe highlight men’s health, with a focus on normalizing conversations surrounding mental health and the stigma that often prevents those who…

CMHA recognizes National Addictions Awareness Week
15 November 2021

Each year, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) joins organizations across the country including CMHA NS Division in observing National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW). Led nationally by CCSA, NAAW…

8 November 2021

On November 22, the Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia Division (CMHA NS), CMHA Halifax-Dartmouth and CMHA Colchester East-Hants joins communities and organizations across the country to mark National Housing…

CMHA applauds new federal ministers for mental health, addictions and housing 
27 October 2021

OCTOBER 26 MEDIA RELEASE: Margaret Eaton, National CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), today issued the following statement in response to the new federal cabinet:  “CMHA is delighted…

CMHA NS Division and Farm Safety Nova Scotia seeking facilitators for Fill Yer Boots! We Talk. We Grow peer support group
21 October 2021

CMHA NS Division and Farm Safety Nova Scotia are currently seeking facilitators for our new virtual peer support group for farmers and agricultural workers to support the We Talk. We…

Do you find it hard to ask your employer for what you need at work? Our At-Work team can help!
18 October 2021

Striving for a healthy balance between the demands on your life in and out of the workplace means setting clear boundaries, and that usually requires assertive behavior. However, some people…

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