Empathy in Action Speaker Series videos now available
16 May 2022CMHA Mental Health Week is over but you can continue the conversation all year long. This year, Mental Health Week was all about Empathy. But empathy is a skill we…
Funds from calendar help CMHA NS continue to bridge the gap in mental health programming
6 May 2022Proceeds from a unique calendar produced by the Halifax Harbour Bridges will help CMHA NS provide more Nova Scotians with free mental health programming and education. The 26-page wall calendar…
Only 13% of Canadians are feeling empathetic, down markedly from two years ago
2 May 2022PRESS RELEASE CMHA and UBC release new data on empathy and challenged relationships Just as Canadians are experiencing pandemic fatigue after two long years, research suggests that Canadians may also…
CMHA marks Mental Health Week with Empathy in Action Speaker Series
27 April 2022One Week. Nine Mental Health Advocates. The Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia Division [CMHA NS] is proud to present Empathy in Action, a virtual speakers series that highlights the…
CMHA NS celebrates National Volunteer Week April 24 -20
25 April 2022From coast to coast to coast in formal and informal settings, volunteers create caring, collaborative, and compassionate communities. That’s why CMHA NS Division joins organizations across the country between…
CMHA NS Division will cohost a virtual Candidates Panel on Mental Health and Substance Use Care August 9, 2021
18 April 2022August 4, 2021 — The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers, in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association Halifax-Dartmouth Branch, and the Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia…
We’re Hiring: Project H.O.P.E
13 April 2022The Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia Division is looking for a passionate and self-motivated individual to join the Project H.O.P.E [Housing Outreach Peer Empowerment] team for a six-month contract…
Make a difference in your community! Join the CMHA NS Board of Directors
9 April 2022Join our volunteer board of directors and help us work to ensure that all people in Nova Scotia experience good mental health and well-being. The Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia…