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Preventing Youth Suicide

Are you looking for up to date resources to understand youth suicide? Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people. It is important that youth and their parents, caregivers and teachers understand how suicide impacts young people. Below you find a number of resources to understand youth suicide and ways you can help youth manage their suicidal thoughts. Remember! Talking about suicide will not encourage a youth to complete, but will help them learn how to deal with it.

Making The Connection: Suicidal Thoughts And Behaviours And Academic Grades

Data from the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) show that students with higher academic grades are less likely to consider or attempt suicide compared to students with lower grades. It is important to remember that these associations do not prove causation. School health professionals, school officials, and other decision makers can use this information to better understand the associations between suicidal thoughts and behaviors and grades, as well as to emphasize the importance of suicide prevention strategies that support the health and well-being of students.

Responding to Stressful Events: Helping Teens Cope

This brochure discusses how to help teens cope with stressful events, as well as explains the reactions we can expect and how to help.

Teen Suicide: Is There An Epidemic?

This 4 page resource talks about media reportage on youth suicide and why there is a rise of teen female suicide.

Youth and Suicide Fact Sheet

Young people face significant internal and external stressors, including social, physiological, and neurological change. Being an adolescent can involve many challenges. Check out this fact sheet for more information on risk factors for youth, warning signs, and more.

A Suicide Prevention Tool Kit – Youth Suicide Prevention

This resource is a brief introduction into the topic of youth suicide. They outline statistics, warning signs for suicide, why younger people (ages 13-19) can be at risk for suicide and how these suicides can be prevented. You’ll also learn how to have a conversation with someone you’re worried about.

Best Practices in School-based Suicide Prevention: A Comprehensive Approach

This 52 page guide is intended to provide a framework to help school administrators and their partners develop comprehensive planning for suicide prevention.

Teenage Suicide: A Leading Cause Of Death

Suicide doesn’t discriminate. Anyone of any gender, age, race or socioeconomic status might feel suicidal at any point in their lives – even if they “have it all” or appear to be happy from the outside. However, teenagers are specifically at risk for suicide. Teenage years are a stressful time and there are many major physical and emotional changes to contend with. This article answers some frequently asked questions surrounding youth suicide to inform everyone on how to help youth and those who care for them and what can be done to help.

Toolkit For After A Student Completes Suicide

A suicide in a school community is devastating to staff, students, and families. Some individuals may be unable to cope and the community as a whole may struggle with how to respond. In a state of shock, school administrators may be uncertain of what steps to take.  This toolkit provides practical information to schools for after a student has died by suicide.

Toolkit For Teen Suicide 

This 16 page toolkit talks about the statistics, trends, risk factors, protective factors, suicide ideation, theories of suicide, and cyber bullying.

Aidaen’s Place Youth Wellness Centre

Aidaen’s Place offers free wellness-based support for youth ages 9-17 and their families. The centre, located in Dartmouth, welcomes children ages nine to 17, providing programs to learn life skills and opportunities to be involved in community activities. Check out their website for more information!

Canadian Association For Suicide Intervention

The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) was launched in 1985 by a group who saw the need to provide information and resources to communities to reduce the suicide rate and minimize the harmful consequences of suicide-related thoughts and behaviours. Like many others, CASP envisions a world in which people enjoy an optimal quality of life, are long-living, socially responsible, and optimistic about the future. CASP is a pan-Canadian organization that provides advocacy, communication and education on suicide prevention and life promotion through providing resources, guidance and information. Check out this website for more information!

How To Help If Someone On Social Media Expresses Suicidal Thoughts

Social media has gained serious popularity in recent years. Many young adults post a lot on social media. Read this article to see how you can help or respond if when someone on social media expresses suicidal thoughts.

Preventing Teen Prescription Misuse

Parents are always looking for hidden dangers in their teens’ lives, but parental radar can easily miss prescription drug misuse. Prescriptions are accessible and widely distributed. This guide will give you a starting point for new conversations with your teen, ideas for further research, and tips on how to keep your children safe from prescription misuse

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Family members and other caregivers are very important to youth suicide prevention and can be involved in many ways. They can help increase the protective factors in a person’s life—for example, by helping the person develop life skills and supportive relationships. They can also provide support during a suicidal crisis, encourage the person to seek and adhere to treatment, and help keep the person safe during periods of crisis. This website provides resources that will help youth with suicidal thoughts as well as their loved ones looking to help them.

Teen Addiction For Teens And Parents 

Addiction among teenagers can be challenging to treat, but early identification and treatment can lead to long-term recovery. Visit this website to learn more about addictions among teenagers and to find resources. Although the statistics focus on United States cases, the resources are helpful for teens and parents of teens everywhere.

Teen Addiction Resources From A US-Based Youth Recovery Centre

Addictive drugs and substances are everywhere in our society. Some have been around for decades or even centuries, while others have just cropped up in recent years. Treatment centers see teenage patients struggling with addiction to many different types of drugs. As a parent, it’s important to stay informed of the drug landscape and to learn how it can affect your teen if they experiment. Visit this website to see how you can help reduce teen drug use. Although the statistics focus on United States cases and resource centers there, the resources on the website are helpful for teens and parents of teens everywhere.

Depression And Suicide Amongst Canadians 15-24

Among Canadians aged 15 to 24, the rate of depression is higher than at any other age, and suicide is the second leading cause of death. The current study provides detailed information about depression and suicidal ideation among young Canadians, including their use of mental health support. The findings suggest that many young Canadians have depression and/or suicidal thoughts. Their odds of seeking professional support are significantly high.

Eating Disorders Among Girls And Women

The report’s findings are based on testimony from the Committee’s study on eating disorders among girls and women in Canada, which began in November 2013. The study commenced with briefings from officials from Status of Women Canada, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Testimony was provided by 27 witnesses – 4 appearing as individuals and the remainder representing 20 organizations – over a total of 9 meetings held from November 2013 to March 2014.

Survivors Promise It Gets Better As Research Shows Surge In Suicide Deaths For Young Girls

Survivors promise it gets better as research shows surge in suicide deaths for young girls. In light of a new Canadian study showing an unprecedented spike in suicide deaths among young girls, women who have made it to the other side of their tough teen years are urging struggling adolescents not to give up hope. Visit this article to hear real life stories of women who survived their mental heath issues because they got help.

The Male Perspective: Young Men’s Outlook On Life

This report examines attitudes among young men in relation to life and living in contemporary Ireland. The focus is on health issues such as help-seeking behaviour, ways of coping and approaches to problem solving. A key objective has been to develop recommendations for the health and social services in tackling young male suicide, built on meaningful consultation with young men.

Suicide Risk Factors in High School Students

Suicidal behavior in adolescents is associated with the interaction of complex relationships between personal, interpersonal, and sociocultural factors. Through a quantitative, descriptive, and correlational cross-sectional study, the present study aimed to analyze the prevalence and risk factors associated with suicidal ideation among adolescents from different high schools of the high school system (SEMS) of the University of Guadalajara, in response to the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive statistical analysis was carried out on the data obtained from the 3583 students surveyed, followed by a principal component analysis to identify closely related social, emotional, and behavioral variables.