If you are thinking about suicide, or you’re worried about someone else, there is help and there is hope. Call or text 9-8-8 toll free, any time — lines are open 24/7/365. To learn more about 9-8-8 visit their website.

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Join the Squad!

We are in a world where there is a lot of pressure on women. There are more options, but many feel more disconnected than ever. Connections are a big part of wellness. It is through a foundation of strong connections that we can gain the confidence and skills we need to overcome barriers and reach our goals. That’s why CMHA NS and Community Cares Youth Outreach are proud to launch the Women’s Empowerment Squad, a safe, confidential place for those who identify as female to connect, offer support to one another and gain confidence.

This is more than a support group; it’s an empowerment squad. To join the squad, register via email at [email protected]. There is no fee to participate.


Schedule: Tuesdays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. This group runs for 8 weeks beginning November 2, 2021.

Where: This group will meet in person, following COVID safe protocol, at 55 King St., Sydney Mines, NS.

Eligibility: This program is open to those who identify as female over the age of 18.

This group is:

Learn more: https://novascotia.cmha.ca/programs-trainings-support-groups/


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