If you are thinking about suicide, or you’re worried about someone else, there is help and there is hope. Call or text 9-8-8 toll free, any time — lines are open 24/7/365. To learn more about 9-8-8 visit their website.

WORKSHOP SERIES: Mindfulness and Depression

In this workshop series, led by Mindfulness Instructor Andrew Safer, we will explore our tendency to dwell on the negative and be self-critical, and ways that mindfulness practice can help us turn the tide towards a more holistic, positive, and appreciative way of being.

Several different practices will be introduced and we will do them together, discuss our impressions in a safe space, where confidentiality has been agreed.

Each session will include a Q & A following the presentation.


Schedule: October 25 to November 29 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Duration: 6 weeks.Mindfulness and Depression runs between October 25 and November 29 2023. Participants must attend all sessions to complete course. [See below for dates.]

Location: Zoom [ Once you register and receive your Zoom link, please save it, as the same link will be used for the remainder of the course. ]

Cost: FREE

Class Schedule

Session 1 -Oct. 25 – Mindfulness & Depression: What’s It All About?

Session 2 – Nov. 1 – Negativity Bias & Cultivating Clarity

Session 3 – Nov. 8 – Being Present & Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Session 4 -Nov. 16 Rumination & Disengaging from Thoughts

Session 5 – Nov. 22 Feeling Your Feelings

Session 6 – Nov. 29 – Stress & Anxiety & the Power of Pausing

Participants will receive an e-copy of guest facilitator Andrew Safer’s book, Anxiety, Stress & Mindfulness: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Wellness.



Oct 25 2023 - Nov 29 2023


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
QR Code

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