If you are thinking about suicide, or you’re worried about someone else, there is help and there is hope. Call or text 9-8-8 toll free, any time — lines are open 24/7/365. To learn more about 9-8-8 visit their website.

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Nova Scotia: Mental Health

Community Mental Health Services: What to Expect (NSHA)

Step One: Find a Doctor! The first point of entry into the mental health system in Nova Scotia is through an individual’s family physician. Your doctor then will decide whether to treat you independently, or provide you with a referral to visit a psychiatrist, counsellor and/or a mental health clinic.

Options for individuals looking for a family doctor:

– Family Physicians accepting new patients. Visit the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness to find a physician closest to you. If your community is not represented, please contact your local district health authority. You may call physician offices/walk-in clinics in your area directly to see if they are accepting new patients. For further information, please call the Physician Information Line: 902.424.3047 or toll free: 1.877.731.1937.

– If you are a university student, you may visit the Health Services Department or website of your school to find out more information:

*It is important that you have a doctor that creates a safe and comfortable environment to discuss your mental health concerns with. If you require a new physician, please see below for other options to consider.  

Other resources to consider if you do not have access to a doctor:

– Emergency Health Services [EHS]: If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and you need immediate support, please visit the nearest EHS department in your area.

– Cape Breton Emergency Crisis Service [ECS]: Through the Emergency Crisis Program at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital, anyone whose life or well-being is drastically threatened and who requires immediate care can receive emergency mental health service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To reach Cape Breton ECS call: 902.567.7767

– Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team [MHMCT]: If you are in crisis, the MHMCT offers telephone response (province-wide) and mobile response (within the Halifax Regional Municipality – HRM): 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To reach the MHMCT call: 902.429.8167 or toll free: 1.888.429.8167.

– Employee Assistance Program [EAP]: inquire with the human resource department at your work to see if you have access to EAP. Through EAP, depending on your plan, you may be able to speak with a mental health practitioner without having a family doctor. The cost of the EAP service is covered by your employer; as well, it is confidential and will not appear on your work record.

– Association of Psychologist of Nova Scotia [APNS]: If you have the financial means to pay for a session, you can visit the APNS website for a list of registered psychologists in your area.

– Family Service Association: Offers professional, confidential counselling services and is located in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Many of the Association’s services are accessed through self-referral and fees are based on the person’s ability to pay.http://www.fshalifax.com/

– Family Service of Eastern Nova Scotia: Provides competent counselling to individuals, couples, families and groups. No on is denied services due to inability to pay. There are six locations in Nova Scotia: New Glasgow, Antigonish, Port Hawkesbury, Inverness, Sydney and Glace Bay.

Please Note: The following list of regional services is not a complete representation of all community organization and services in Nova Scotia. It is encouraged that you search for services in your area to see what is available to you. If you know of any services that should be listed on this page, or if you are aware of any updates to any of the services already listed, please contact CMHA NS Division to make revisions. Thank you! 

Provincial Mental Health Services (Adults)

Provincial Mental Health Services (Children and Youth)

Provincial Mental Health Services (Older adults)

Community Mental health Organizations

Provincial Addictions Resources

Provincial Psychologists/Family Physicians/Dal Dept of Psychiatry

Professional Associations

Provincial Legal Services/Information

Provincial Commissions

Provincial and National Government Departments and Agencies

Provincial Mental Health Strategy


Provincial Housing, Homelessness and Poverty Resources

Provincial Employment Resources

Post Secondary Provincial Education Disability Services



Foundations/Community Building

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