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Coordinated Access

Mission Statement: The Annapolis Valley Coordinated Access System addresses homelessness in the Annapolis Valley and surrounding areas at a client-focused, systems level. We do this by collaborating with community partners including those with lived/living experience to simplify access to services for people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless so they are connected with the appropriate services.

Vision Statement: The Annapolis Valley Coordinated Access System (AVCAS) envisions a community where homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring.

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What is Coordinated Access: Coordinated Access is a system that community agencies use to support people who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. Coordinated Access is not a program. 

[Image by Employment and Social Development Canada]

A Coordinated Access system places the person in need at the center of their care and provides support based on needs they identify. This is called a person-centered approach.  

The goal of the Annapolis Valley Coordinated Access System (AVCAS) is to prioritize individuals by assessing their strengths, vulnerabilities and risk of re-entering homelessness. This ensures that individuals with higher needs and priority populations are served first. 

Priority Populations include:  

Defining features of this system include: 

Who can access the Coordinated Access System:  

The Coordinated Access system currently serves individuals and families in the Annapolis Valley who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. Individuals who enter the coordinated access system will not be turned away. The Coordinated Access system is meant to be an all-encompassing service that connects individuals to services whether they are in an emergency or not. 

Why do we use this system: Coordinated Access was developed to meet the growing and evolving needs of individuals experiencing homelessness and those who are at risk of homelessness. 

The individual benefits from this system because they are not left to navigate the growing list of resources by themselves, while the agencies have a forum to receive and deliver updates on their clients from other case managers related to their client. 

Service providers also benefit because they do not risk doubling services being accessed by the client elsewhere. 

Image Courtesy of Innfromthecold.org

Step 1 – Entry to the Coordinated Access System 

AVCAS is working diligently to set up access points across the Annapolis Valley, including in the Tri-County area. In the interim, there are informal access points where you can seek help by asking for a housing support worker or an emergency shelter bed. You can access these supports directly based on your need and demographic.

Informal Access Points:  

Step 2 – Intake | Immediate needs assessment  

You will meet with a support worker and be asked to complete an intake form with them (called the By Name registration form). At this time the worker will also connect you with services to meet any immediate needs not being addressed including access to food, clothing and other basic human needs.  

The intake form will include questions about the following: 

Please Note: All information is voluntary. 

Step 3 – Detailed Assessment  (if applicable)

Some information about the assessment:

Coordinated Access currently uses the Vulnerability Assessment (VAT) as it’s common assessment tool.

Do I have to do this assessment?

How do I know if an assessment has been booked for me?

Where do I go if I choose to complete the VAT? How long is it?

What is the assessment like? How will it be used?

Can I bring someone?

** With your permission, the results of the Vulnerability Assessment are entered into a central database. **  

Step 4 – Connection to Services 

The support worker will match and connect you with services to address your needs and help you meet your goals.  

Step 5 – Follow up  

For more information about Coordinated Access, contact Alison Coldwell at [email protected]

The Coordinated Access Program is generously supported by the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia  https://www.ahans.ca/

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