Community Capacity
Building community capacity to understand and respond to suicide in Nova Scotia is important. It can be difficult to know who to respond when someone is saying they may hurt themselves. While the person may need professional help, often the first people to know there is a problem are family members, friends, and co-workers.
Knowing what to say and respond can help deescalate the situation until additional supports can be out in place. Building community capacity can start with you! Please watch our training video or read through the main information sheets, toolkits, and resources to help reduce the number of suicides in your community.
Maybe you are looking for some information to help support your school or organization. CMHA NS is pleased to offer a variety of awareness, education, and training programs to Nova Scotians on mental health topics.
If you are looking for certified suicide prevention training you can also visit LivingWorks who provides training in SafeTalk and ASSIST. LivingWorks safeTALK provides in-depth skills to recognize signs of suicide, engage someone, and ensure a connection to safety. The in-person format includes powerful audiovisuals and live practice. LivingWorks ASIST teaches trainees to provide a skilled intervention and develop a collaborative safety plan to keep someone safe and alive. Trusted by professionals yet learnable by anyone, LivingWorks ASIST is the world’s leading suicide intervention model.